Since former books editor Gloria Fogal retired in January, I’ve been heading up Book Buzz, our books blog, and easing into the role of books editor. My co-worker Teresa Cook has been a tremendous resource for how things operate with our books page in the York Sunday News. Of course, I’m always open to trying new things.
Tomorrow, we’ll brainstorm with a few other newsroom Book Buzz bloggers on how we can tailor Book Buzz to our readers’ interests. Whether it be through new material, a greater focus on local content, better and more regular conversations with the community or something totally different — we’re open to suggestions.
Yesterday, I wrote a post on the book blog asking for feedback:
“What are you enjoying on the blog? What could you do without? What are we missing? What’s of interest to you? What stories would you like to read more on? Any new books you’ve been wondering about?”
In the end, we can read and review whichever books we please, or focus on just the topics we’re interested in (I geeked out about J.K. Rowling’s upcoming novel) — but if we’re not serving our audience and our community, then what’s our purpose?
So I’m asking our readers — including you — what you’d like to read about on Book Buzz. Send me an email at, or give me a ring at 717-771-2090. I’d love to chat.